Siargao's local surfer, Nilvie Blancada (yellow jersey) show-off her prize money of Rp.2.5 million and trophy during the awarding rites of the Quiksilver Open West Java - Women's Division (Photo Courtesy: Rico R.). |
June 19, 2012 --- A local girl from the world’s famous Cloud Nine break in Siargao Island (Philippines), Nilvie Blancada, has taken first place in the Quiksilver Open West Java’s Women’s Division, at Cimaja Beach in Indonesia, defeating Australia (Aysia Doig), Taiwan (Jessie Hong) and Indonesia (Iis Trisnawati) surfers last June 17, 2012.
Blancada, who was recently crowned in the Roxy Siargao International Women’s Surfing Cup, charged the Cimaja waves, big or small, without a hint of hesitation, clearly dominating each heat in the finals. “I’m so happy to win, and happy to be here in Indonesia to surf. It’s the first time I’ve been out of the Philippines so it’s a little different for me, but it’s nice to be here and meet new people, and surf Indonesia waves,” she said.
Nilvie Blancada poses with La Union's Luke Landrigan, who got second place in the Longboard Division of Quiksilver Open West Java. |
Meanwhile, in the Longboard Division final it was another repeat win for Java’s Arip “Mencos” Hidayat, whose mastery of the longboard is almost legendary. He quickly combo’d the rest of the field by racking up high scores of 9.25 and 8.75, with the Philippines Luke Landrigan giving chase but settling for second spot. Arip is also the reigning 2011 Coca-Cola ISC Longboard Champion.
The Quiksilver Open West Java was blessed with near perfect weather and surfing conditions during the four days of competition, with 3-4 foot waves consistently rolling in and making for an easy job for Contest Director Tipi Jabrik, who is also Quiksilver Indonesia’s Sports Marketing Manager and the Coca-Cola ISC’s President.
The 6-star professional surfing competition with total prize money of almost Rp 70,000,000 (USD 7,500) took place from June 14-17, 2012. It attracted South East Asia’s top pro surfers in search of great waves, big prize money, and valuable championship points for both the Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championship and the Asian Surfing Championship tours. The four-day event include Pro, Masters, Women’s and Longboard divisions.
Quiksilver Open West Java Competition Results:
Open Division
1. Lee Wilson (Bali)
2. Mustofa Jeksen (Bali)
Equal 3rd: Pepen Hendrik (Bali) and Putra Hermawan (Bali)
Women’s Division
1. Nilbie (Nilvie) Blancada (Philippines)2. Aysia Doig (Australia)
3. Jessie Hong (Taiwan)
4. Iis Trisnawati (Java)
Longboard Division
1. Arif "Mencos) Hidayat (Java)
2. Luke Landrigan (Philippines)
4. Gilang (Java)
Masters Division
1. Sujari (Java)
2. Ketut Juliarta (Bali)
3. Made Lapur (Bali)
4. Edin (Java)
The Quiksilver Open West Java was sanctioned by the Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships and the Asian Surfing Championships.
Check out Quiksilver Open West Java 2012 on-line at www.isctour.com/events/quikwestjava and on Facebook at both ISC and Quiksilver Indonesia for all the heat scores and results during each day’s competition.