Ceremonial Turn-over and Blessing of Mobile Patrol Cars in Siargao Islands

Ceremonial Turn-over and Blessing of Mobile Patrol Cars in Siargao Islands.

Congressman Bingo Matugas: In our efforts during the Budget Hearings in Congress, we provided (3) Hilux 4x2 for Police Mobile Patrol Cars for the 3 largest municipalities in Siargao Islands, the Dapa MPS, GL MPS, and Del Carmen MPS.

Thank you DILG and PNP for your support!

Source: Congressman Bingo Matugas

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Siargao is composed of 48 islands and islets-politically divided into nine municipalities: Burgos, Dapa, Del Carmen, Gen. luna, Pilar, San Benito, San Isidro, Santa Monica, and Socorro. Read more...

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