
.:: History of Socorro ::.

In 1924, Socorro hit the limelight when a band of religious fanatic (colorum) rose in revolt against the government. A band of more than a thousand fanatics led by Francisco Bernales alias Lantayog, with bolos called "linatip," almost completely annihilated a platoon of soldiers sent to Socorro to drain the colorum sacred bathing pool called "tangke".

Only two members of the platoon who were aware of the colorum tactics were left alive. In retaliation, then Governor Pedro Coleto wired a report of the Socorro incident to GOVERNOR Leonard Wood, who sent troops under general Bowers, which in turn mercilessly shelled Socorro, where many of the colorums perished.

The survivors continued their plan to saeize the municipal and provincial governments of Surigao town. They are surprised and annihilated by constabulary forces in Tubod where now lies a common grave of sixty-four colorums. This was sufficient to disband the fanatic society.

When peace was restored its people continued to toil and apparently lived happily under a communal system of life.

The Island where Socorro is found belongs to Parcel IV of the Mineral Reservation. In 1960 Socorro became a separate entity from the mother municipality of Dapa. The grace, vibrancy and community sprit of its people continued to this day.

source:1970 Souvenir Program of Philippine Public Schools Inter-scholastic Athletic Association Meet (PPSIAA)

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About Siargao

Siargao is composed of 48 islands and islets-politically divided into nine municipalities: Burgos, Dapa, Del Carmen, Gen. luna, Pilar, San Benito, San Isidro, Santa Monica, and Socorro. Read more...

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